Thursday, November 10, 2011

Remarkable: Android-like Auto Correct Keyboard Bar Discovered In iOS 5; Step-By-Step Guide To Enable It Without Jailbreaking. And iPhone (iphone 4 Outright Price Australia)

It looks similar to Panorama mode wasn’t the usually underline Apple has dark in iOS 5.

iOS hacker Sonny Dickson has detected an Android-like auto-correct set of keys club dark in iOS 5.

The underline can enabled simply though the need to jailbreak your iOS device by following these instructions pleasantness 9 to 5 Mac:

1. Download iBackupBot

2. Backup your iPhone (iphone 4 Outright Price Australia)/iPod in iTunes

3. Open iBackupBot as well as find the backup, afterwards bucket it.

4. Find Library/Preferences/ as well as open the file. (if your program isn't purebred you'll have to press terminate as well as afterwards it will open)

5. Add in the following code: <key>KeyboardAutocorrectionLists</key><string>YES</string>

6. Save your modifications, as well as afterwards revive from backup from inside of iBackupbot.

We design someone to release a tweak on Cydia which will have it really easy to capacitate the auto-correct set of keys club for users who have jailbroken their iOS devices.

It is not transparent because Apple motionless to dump this underline in the last release, though it is probable which this will be a single of the new facilities in iOS 5.1.

[@SonnyDickson around 9 to 5 Mac]

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