Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hidden iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) Tricks: Secret Keyboard and Panoramic Photos And The Daily Brief - iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S, Planking, Chuck E. Cheese - Daily Brief 5.17.11

When people speak about iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) secrets, they're customarily referring to small tricks as well as tips we competence not have well known about. But a integrate new dark iOS 5 facilities unclosed this week have been most some-more hardcore, requiring a little light hacking to unearth capabilities which Apple motionless to bury–specifically, an swap set of keys which includes spelling suggestions as well as a scenery mode for the camera.

(MORE: Siri Tricks as well as Tips: Do More with the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S Virtual Assistant)

Neither penetrate requires jailbreaking, as well as I've attempted them both on my iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 3GS, using iOS 5. Here's how to get them on your iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright):

Get Spelling Suggestions on the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) Keyboard

Fair warning: You'll substantially find this set of keys to be a nuisance. The spelling predictions aren't really good, as well as if we don't name from the suggestions on top, we have to arrange "confirm" to come in the word, afterwards strike spacebar. But during slightest your friends will be impressed. (Thanks to 9 to 5 Mac for this.)

1. Download iBackupBot, though don't run it yet.

2. Plug in your iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright), open iTunes, click on the device, as well as select "Back up to this computer." Then click "Sync."

3. Install as well as run iBackupBot, as well as click on the ultimate backup for your iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright).

4. Locate "Library/Preferences/" (You might wish to click "Path" to arrange files alphabetically). Click "Cancel" in the dialog box which appears when we select the record path.

5. Under the line which reads "</true>", insert an additional line which reads "<key>KeyboardAutocorrectionLists</key>" (without quotations), afterwards supplement an additional line underneath it which reads "<string>YES</string>." Close the record as well as save your progress.

6. Click "File" from the iBackupBot menu, as well as select "Restore." Be patient, as well as wait for for the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) to restart after the revive is complete.

Take Panoramic Photos from the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright)'s Camera

Although we got the Panorama duty operative on my iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 3GS, we couldn't take a singular print though the camera crashing. (There's a reason Apple keeps these things hidden.) You might have improved fitness on a newer iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright). (Hat tip to FunkySpaceMonkey.)

1. Follow stairs a single by 3 from above.

2. Locate "Library/Preferences/"

3. Just after line 36, which reads "</false>," begin a new line which reads "<key>EnableFirebreak</key>, afterwards supplement an additional line underneath it which reads "<string>YES</string>," all though quotations. Close the record as well as save your progress.

4. Click "File" from the iBackupBot menu, as well as select "Restore."

If we wish to mislay these changes, only go in to iBackupBot as well as mislay the lines of formula we added, afterwards revive the phone again. And if we wish breathtaking photos on your iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) though the hassle, we can get Photosynth or 360 Panorama from the App Store.

MORE: Siri Hacked onto iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4, though Don't Get Too Excited

Today on The Daily Brief we took a demeanour during the following topics: Iphone 4s: The Planking Craze: Woman sues Chuck E. Cheese : Find any engaging stories we wish us to feature? Leave a criticism as well as we’ll operate them subsequent time! Check out yesterday’s Daily Brief ‪
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