Thursday, November 3, 2011

iPhone 4S real-world data speeds: What Siri won't tell you And HEY SIRI... WHO'S YOUR DADDY!?!?

At CNET's offices, the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S from AT&T has a tough time removing a 3G connection.

At CNET’s bureau building, the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S from AT&T has a tough time removing a 3G connection.

Dong Ngo/CNET)

Cool as she is, the
iPhone 4S’ new personal partner Siri hasn’t been means to discuss it me in a suggestive approach which
iPhone 4S offers the fastest interpretation speeds. In the end, we resorted to the common do-it-yourself approach: a real-world test. And the formula were interesting.

Prior to the testing, we approaching a little large differences in in in in in in in in between the
iPhone 4 as great as the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S (both GSM versions), given the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S supports AT&T’s faster HSDPA 14.4 network, that is means of reaching an upload speed of 14.4Mbps as great as download speed of 5.8Mbps, theoretically twice the speeds of the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4.

This wasn’t regularly the case, however, as great as infrequently it was utterly the opposite. But initial let’s speak about how the contrast was done.

How we test
It’s in all tough to figure out the approach to get the many appropriate design of how quick a mobile mobile Internet device’s interpretation rate is. The law is that the speed of a mobile Internet tie varies a great understanding from a single place to another. It additionally depends on the server on that the app’s interpretation resides as great as infrequently even on the time of day.

The law is that the speed of a mobile Internet tie varies a great understanding from a single place to another.

For the testing, we used the mobile app, that is the many renouned app for the purpose. The app automatically connects to a circuitously server to download as great as upload data. How bustling the server is during the exam affects the scores, yet the app still offers a great illustration of interpretation speeds in a internal area.

I collected iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4Ses from AT&T, Verizon, as great as Sprint, as great as tested the 3 smartphones opposite an iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4 during a couple of viewable places in San Francisco: CNET’s lobby, Union Square, as great as the Fisherman’s Wharf area of Pier 39. we picked the initial place for an viewable reason: it’s the run of the structure where we work, that is nearby the Financial District. The others have been dual of the many renouned spots in the city, with lots of people regulating their phones. Also, we tested 3 4G prohibited spots from assorted carriers for a comparison.

Keep in thoughts that these tests usually weigh interpretation speeds for these phones in San Francisco as great as have been not written to be deputy of interpretation speeds you’ll find in your area. However, they during slightest should uncover how the interpretation speeds examination in in in in in in in in between any conduit chronicle of the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S, as great as the disproportion in in in in in in in in between AT&T’s iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S as great as the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4.

The sum of the tests during opposite locations. Note how infrequently interpretation rate altered significantly in in in in in in in in between tests, that took place usually a couple of mins divided from a single another.

The sum of the tests during opposite locations. Note how infrequently interpretation rate altered significantly in in in in in in in in between tests, that took place usually a couple of mins divided from a single another.

Dong Ngo/CNET)

CNET lobby
I proposed out during CNET’s offices, where non-static AT&T iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) accepting has tormented me as great as my co-workers for years. Unfortunately, it was the same knowledge with the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S, may be even worse. Indeed, not usually was the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S’ 3G mobile interpretation tie essentially slower than the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4′s, yet additionally the new phone all the time switched to EDGE instead of 3G. After many trials, we was means to do 3 tests on a 3G tie that averaged a gloomy 170Kbps for download as great as an even worse 40Kbps for upload. The iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4, on the alternative hand, was means to suggest about 668kbps as great as 254kbps for download as great as upload, respectively.

The usually reason we have is that AT&T’s iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright)s go on to have difficulty with the hand-off in in in in in in in in between the EDGE as great as 3G networks (something we’ve seen with all prior versions of the device). Unlike the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4, the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S doesn’t embody the choice to put the phone in possibly 3G or EDGE mode manually, as great as may be it was handling in EDGE mode yet indicating that on the screen. Yet, this didn’t insist because the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4 did many better.

Union Square
When we changed to opposite locations in town, the AT&T iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S showed many improved performance, yet not regularly outdoing the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4. At Union Square, for example, the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S averaged about 3,004Kbps for download, slower than the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4′s 3,454Kbps. It’s faster during uploading, however, during 837Kbps compared with 693Kbps of the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4.

Pier 39
Finally, during Pier 39, the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S showed that it could unequivocally kick the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4 with 4,290Kbps download speed as great as 1,173Kbps upload speed, compared with 2,653Kbps download as great as 1,090Kbps upload on the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4. Overall, on the AT&T network, on average, the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S is about 10 percent faster than the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4 in conditions of interpretation connection.

The iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S' interpretation speed is many slower than any 4G device's as great as isn't faster than the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4 in many cases. Note that the Clear Spot Apollo (Clear) as great as the Samsung 4G SCH-11 (Verizon) were tested the same approach yet on a opposite day as great as have been shown here usually for anxiety as to the speeds we can design from a 4G connection.

The iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S’ interpretation speed is many slower than any 4G device’s as great as isn’t faster than the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4 in many cases. Note that the Clear Spot Apollo (Clear) as great as the Samsung 4G SCH-11 (Verizon) were tested the same approach yet on a opposite day as great as have been shown here usually for anxiety as to the speeds we can design from a 4G connection.

Dong Ngo/CNET)

And the leader is…
Unlike the AT&T phone, Sprint’s iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S had no problems with accepting during CNET’s offices. Its interpretation speeds were additionally some-more reliable, trimming from 735Kbps to 1,965Kbps down as great as 321Kbps to 983Kbps up during opposite locations. Though a little Sprint iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S owners have reported significantly slower interpretation speeds, we haven’t seen such a change.

The many consistent, however, was the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S from Verizon, that averaged in in in in in in in in between 870Kbps as great as 988Kbps down as great as in in in in in in in in between 605Kbps as great as 707Kbps up via the city. The tie speeds of Verizon’s as great as Sprint’s iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4Ses, whilst slower even than those of AT&T’s iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4, additionally seemed to be unchanging with what the conduit pronounced the inclination would offer.

Note that these exam formula showed that AT&T’s iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S was faster than those of Verizon as great as Sprint, that is not in line with what CNET editor Kent German found in his full examination of the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S. However, Kent tested the phones usually during the CNET office, as great as it’s additionally value referring to again that we competence get opposite mobile interpretation rates when contrast the same device during opposite times.

Despite all the differences, the numbers showed that the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S’ interpretation connection, when we can get a 3G connection, is quick sufficient for many unchanging Internet needs. In my trials, e-mails came quick enough, as great as Google Maps, for the many part, installed right divided in genuine time.

On the alternative hand, it’s not quick sufficient to have examination streaming videos, such as YouTube, a pleasing experience. we was streaming the same video clips on the phones when relocating around the city as great as nothing was means to fool around any of the videos yet intermittently pausing to rebuffer.

My tests additionally showed that it is disappointing, yet not wholly surprising, that the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S doesn’t await 4G as many had hoped. As expected, the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4Ses have been in no approach charity interpretation speeds tighten to those of a 4G device. The T-Mobile Sonic 4G Mobile HotSpot, that was enclosed in the testing, was a single of the slower 4G inclination I’ve seen yet still averaged around 3,028Kbps for download as great as 1,205Kbps for upload, significantly faster than any of the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4Ses.

So the end is that if you’re seeking to escalate your mobile Internet entrance as great as already have an iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4, we should substantially jump over the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S, as it won’t have many of a difference. You’ll skip out on Siri’s balmy voice for now, yet she’ll many really still be there with the subsequent chronicle of the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright), that will, hopefully as great as likely, await 4G. After all, many of her answers need a great tie to the Internet anyway.

After we unboxed my new iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright)- the initial thing we tested was Siri on the iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S. Here have been the questions we asked my iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) 4S Siri: Hi Siri, how have been you? What is your the one preferred color? How distant divided is pluto? Where were we made? How aged have been you? What should i eat for lunch? we would similar to to go on a date? What have been we wearing? What is your the one preferred color? Will we wed me? Where do babies come from? What is better, android or ios? What should i do with my aged iphone? What’s the race of kansas city? Wow many timber could a woodchuck pitch if a woodchuck could pitch wood? Knock, hit Who’s your daddy? Here is where i purchased my iPhone (Buy iphone 4 Outright) case: Follow me: Check out my blog at:

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